If you’re curious about how a firewood hot tub works, there are a few things you need to know. These hot tubs use pipes that are heated by fire and cooled by convection. There is no pump to worry about, so they heat water slowly. There are also no electrical cords to worry about. This type of hot tub is perfect for those who are concerned about the environment.
What to Do Before Building a Fire
When using a firewood-fired hot tub, you must first make sure your firewood is dry. This will prevent a pile of wood from smoking. When building a fire, it is recommended to use softwood and hardwood in equal amounts. The water level must be at least four to eight inches below the top ridge of the tub to avoid catching on fire and contaminating the water. Always make sure that you don’t use paper, as it will be contaminated by the smoke.
Keep a Hot Tub Safe
If you’re using dry wood, keep the lid on the hot tub to prevent the water from smoking. To make sure that your fire doesn’t get out of control, keep a thermometer floating in the water. You can also use ready firelighters to start the blaze. The level of the water in the hot tub should be four to eight inches below the ridge, which is the minimum fill level. If you don’t have enough water in the tub, you risk catching a live ember and burning the water.
Heating Time of a Firewood-Fired Hot Tub
The heating time of a firewood-fired hot tub depends on a number of factors. The size of the fire, the dryness of the logs, how often you feed the fire, ambient temperature and wind, and the type of insulating cover you have over your hot tub all contribute to the heating time. If the water level in the tub is below the ridge, you can’t enjoy the heat of a firewood-burning hot tub.
How to Heat Water for a Firewood Hot Tub
Once you’ve built a wood fired hot tub, the next step is deciding how to heat the water. If you’re using an electric-heating tub, you need to consider how the water temperature will affect the water. For this, you need to choose the appropriate amount of wood. For a firewood-heated tub, you can use any type of wood. If you want to cut down on energy costs, you can add a propane-heating kit to the top of the chimney.
The heating time of a firewood-fueled hot tub varies according to the size of the fire. It may take a few hours for the water to reach a certain temperature, or it might take as long as one hour. The temperature of the water in a firewood hot tub is usually around 85°F (or lower). If it’s cooler, you’ll need to add more wood.