Compression socks are a great addition to your running or gym wardrobe. They help you keep your blood flowing, while also improving circulation and reducing swelling. For these reasons, they are the perfect footwear for any runner or gym-goer. However, if you’re new to the world of compression socks, here’s what you need to know before you buy them online.
5 Tips for Selecting Compression Socks online
Quality pair of compression socks can help relieve tired legs and improve circulation, but how do you know if the ones you are considering are good enough? This article will give you some tips on how to find the way to buy best compression socks online for your body.
1. Measure the Exact Size
While running, the weight of your feet may be a bit offset from other parts of your body. Because of this, you don’t want to get compression socks that are too loose or snug around all four legs. The best way to ensure success with these is by using a soft measuring tape while standing on a hard floor. Cut the tape around your entire calf to avoid any extra fabric that could eventually stretch out as you wear them more. If you’ve got an especially competitive streak, buy these along with 1/4 or 1/2 size smaller sizes for added support and preventing legs from bunching up during workouts.
2. Check out the Material
Your compression socks should be made from a combination of fabric and foam. The fabric usually comes from woven yarn while the foam may come from either memory or closed-cell. While both have advantages, resistance to abrasion for the wool is better than that found in other materials such as nylon.
3. Check out the Seams
Sometimes two different kinds of yarn are woven together to create a single sock. Often, these socks can give off an uneven look where one color is thicker than the other parts of the seam, meaning you’ll have to wear them with your pants or long-sleeved shirt to even them out.
4. Socks Styles
Different types of compression are designed to affect different parts of the body. Leg socks are meant primarily for recovery, while arm felt or long-sleeved ankle felt can provide support in their intended areas. Don’t be deceived by these names though, they don’t mean you should wear them all together all the time.
5. Reviews
You should also check the ratings before deciding on a product. Since everyone’s body is different, you can never be sure they’ll fit your needs perfectly. Many online reviewers are more than happy to explain if there are any drawbacks or advantages of buying their specific brand over another, so don’t hesitate to ask a lot of questions. Most will also provide feedback on how the socks did over time, instead of immediately after purchase.
The listed guide will help you choose the best compression socks based on your needs. More importantly, you should always consult with a doctor before trying out new items. We hope that you found this guide useful and were able to find the perfect product for your needs.