What Are the Advantages of a Job Application?

There are several advantages to submitting an application online. Online applications save time and space, provide accurate data, and allow you to interact with people in your field of work. However, they can also lead to quick judgments about applicants. If you see messy handwriting, you might decide to pass on a perfectly qualified worker.

Online applications reduce attrition

Online applications reduce attrition

Online job applications are a popular way for companies to screen applicants. However, they come with their own drawbacks. Many job candidates abandon their online application, leading to high attrition rates. One survey by CareerBuilder shows that up to 60 percent of applications are abandoned. But even if this figure is conservative, it still means that employers lose good candidates and suffer high attrition costs, check out the post right here.

The most important thing a company can do to reduce employee attrition is hire the right people. This means finding people with the skills needed for the job and the potential to grow with the company for many years. Unfortunately, attrition rates have been rising exponentially in recent years, and it is estimated that in 2021, one out of every four workers will quit their job. That means that, if you want to stay competitive, you must offer a great employee experience.

Online job applications are convenient

There are many reasons why employers prefer to use online applications. Online applications save time and space, provide accurate data, and allow the employer to screen candidates quickly. This is a big advantage for companies with limited resources or who want to focus on other tasks.

However, some people might perceive sloppy handwriting in an online application as a sign that the applicant does not take their work seriously. If you’re applying for a position that requires excellent writing skills, it’s important to be aware of this disadvantage and make sure your application looks neat and professional.

They can reduce the cost of hiring

Hiring a new employee can be expensive. On average, companies spend around $4,129 per hire. In addition to this, there are also many indirect costs associated with the hiring process, such as training and onboarding costs. Trying to reduce the cost of hiring requires addressing all aspects of turnover.

An applicant tracking system can also reduce the cost of hiring. The software can be configured with keywords relevant to the position to narrow the field and identify qualified candidates. This helps speed up the hiring process and create a better candidate experience.


It’s clear that offering a great employee experience is critical for companies who want to keep employees. Online applications provide an easy and convenient way to screen candidates, but sloppy handwriting can be a disadvantage. By using applicant tracking systems, hiring managers can reduce the cost of hiring and speed up the process.

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